Control of sand encroachment
Type of National planObjectiveAdaptationSectorsCountryVietnam
Publication dateObjective
This extensive FAO assessment of global forest resources, describes the extent, uses and value of forest resources covering 229 countries and territories between 1990 and 2005.
Type of National planObjectiveAdaptationSectorsCountrySri Lanka
Type of National planObjectiveAdaptationSectorsCross-sectoral enablerCountrySri Lanka
Type of National planObjectiveAdaptationSectorsCountrySri Lanka
Naturally occurring sand dunes are wind-formed sand deposits representing a store of sediment in the zone just landward of normal high tides (French, 2001). Artificial dunes are engineered structures created to mimic the functioning of natural dunes.
Dune rehabilitation refers to the restoration of natural or artificial dunes from a more impaired, to a less impaired or unimpaired state of overall function, in order to gain the greatest coastal protection benefits.
The main objective of land claim is neither erosion nor storm reduction. The aim of land claim is instead, to create new land from areas that were previously below high tide. However, if land claim is designed with the potential impacts of climate change in mind, measures can be taken to reduce the exposure of these areas to coastal flooding. For example, in Singapore and Hong Kong, there are enforced minimum reclamation levels to account for future SLR.