The use of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in transport is a suitable option to power large long-distance trucks in areas where gas is transported as liquefied natural gas because there are indigenous gas supplies and no gas network. The use of LNG in passenger cars is far less viable because on average passenger cars stand idle more often, which would give rise to high evaporative losses.
Compressed Natural Gas as fuel
With the surge in bio-based activities around the globe, a new concept called bio-refining starts to emerge. IEA Bioenergy Task 42 on Biorefineries defines biorefining as “the sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products and energy”. A bio-refinery combines/integrates a series of biomass conversion technologies to produce a range of products and (base-)materials, such as food, feed, chemicals, materials, oil, gas, heat and/or electricity. The concept is similar to a conventional oil-refinery where multiple petroleum products and fuels are produced.
Under the anaerobic (oxygen free) conditions of landfill sites, organic waste is broken down by micro-organisms, leading to the formation of landfill gas (LFG). LFG is a gaseous mixture which consists mostly of methane and carbon dioxide, but also of a small amount of hydrogen and occasionally trace levels of hydrogen sulphide.
Production of biogas by dry fermentation
Type of National planCountryUnited Arab Emirates
In the post-2020 period the United Arab Emirates will continue to expand its ambitious actions to limit emissions and improve resilience through economic diversification, in accordance with Decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20. The UAE’s actions are based on a strategy of economic diversification that will yield mitigation and adaptation cobenefits, consistent with the approach adopted under Decision 24/CP.18. To this end, the UAE will pursue a portfolio of actions, including an increase of clean energy to 24% of the total energy mix by 2021.
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryMoldova
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryGeorgia
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryMoldova
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryMoldova