This Technology Transfer Advances The Dominican Republic's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to adopt Risk Management and Early Warning Systems as a strategic planning approach to climate change adaptation.
According to this website, the fire danger indicators currently presented in this report are components of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System. The Global EWS provides 1-7 day forecasted FWI System data based on the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Global Forecast System. The FWI System components are currently calibrated to commonly used threshold values that identify low to extreme conditions.
The development objective of the Integrated Disaster and Land Management Project for Togo is to strengthen institutional capacity of targeted institutions to manage risk of flooding and land degradation in targeted rural and urban areas. There are four components to the project. The first component is institutional strengthening and awareness rising.
The development objective of the Integrated Disaster and Land Management Project for Togo is to strengthen institutional capacity of targeted institutions to manage risk of flooding and land degradation in targeted rural and urban areas. There are four components to the project. The first component is institutional strengthening and awareness rising.
The city of Rio de Janeiro has developed a highly efficient early warning system (EWS) that is having an impressive impact after just three years in operation. The measures employed are innovative, inclusive and non-resource intensive, and are thus highly applicable to cities in other developing regions. Cities such as Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, that are highly vulnerable to rain-induced disasters due to inappropriate land-use on a massive scale, can greatly reduce risks with timely employment of early warning systems (EWS).
This World Health Organization document evaluates the potential of climate-based disease early warning as a means of improving preparedness for, and response to, epidemics. The authors develop a conceptual framework for constructing and evaluating a climate-based early warning system (EWS). The report highlights that many of the most important infectious diseases, and particularly those transmitted by insects, are highly sensitive to climate variations. However, the published literature includes no full descriptions of climate-based EWS being used to influence disease control decisions.
Zambia’s INDC includes both mitigation and adaptation components based on her national circumstances and is in line with decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20. The successful implementation of Zambia’s INDC will result in an estimated total emission reduction of 38,000 GgCO2eq which translates to 47% (internationally supported efforts) against 2010 as a base year. This emission reduction is conditional and subject to the availability of international support in form of finance, technology and capacity building.