This Technology Transfer Advances Viet Nam's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to reduce GHG emissions by 8% by 2030 compared to the Business as Usual scenario (BAU); an amount that could be increased up to 25% with international support.
XacBank is a commercial bank founded in 2001 and headquartered in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. XacBank is an accredited entity of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). In one of their approved GCF funding proposals in 2017, the bank expanded Business Loan for GHG Emissions Reduction program, an on-lending program to lessen capital burdens for Mongolian micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises who are investing in energy efficiency or renewable energy technology. As part of the GCF approval, XacBank has prioritized improving internal monitoring and evaluation capacities.
Charting data from 54 African countries, a new UN atlas reveals the continent's energy potential; revealing that investment in renewable energy would strengthen its economic advancement.
CTCN Network member, Econoler, together with the International Institute for Energy Training (IIET) is organizing energy efficiency trainings in DUBAI in February.
There are three training modules during the course: Demand-Side Management Programs (from design to evaluation), Energy Performance Contracting and ESCOs, Energy Efficiency Financing. Each will be presented by a top international energy efficiency expert, two of them based in the Middle East and North Africa region.
The district heating net is a pipe network that supplies heating and hot water for connected consumers from a central power plant. It is a more efficient way to provide heat and power compared to localized boilers. District cooling is the cooling equivalent of district heating. Working in accordance to similar principles, district cooling delivers chilled water to buildings like offices and factories. Trigeneration is when electricity, heating and cooling are combined in the same plant.
Responds to the following needs
With the surge in bio-based activities around the globe, a new concept called bio-refining starts to emerge. IEA Bioenergy Task 42 on Biorefineries defines biorefining as “the sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products and energy”. A bio-refinery combines/integrates a series of biomass conversion technologies to produce a range of products and (base-)materials, such as food, feed, chemicals, materials, oil, gas, heat and/or electricity. The concept is similar to a conventional oil-refinery where multiple petroleum products and fuels are produced.
Under the anaerobic (oxygen free) conditions of landfill sites, organic waste is broken down by micro-organisms, leading to the formation of landfill gas (LFG). LFG is a gaseous mixture which consists mostly of methane and carbon dioxide, but also of a small amount of hydrogen and occasionally trace levels of hydrogen sulphide.