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Community-based agricultural extension

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    The Climate Technology Centre and Network together with its Consortium partner UNEP-DTU Partnership is holding a Training of Trainers in Harare, Zimbabwe on Climate Smart Agriculture. The training is organized together with Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement, Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate and Green Impact Trust.

  • Knowledge partner
    Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    United Kingdom
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Knowledge Partner
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Early warning and Environmental assessment
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency

    Practical Action Consulting (PAC) is the consulting arm of Practical Action, an international non-governmental organisation that uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries.

  • Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    Relation to CTCN
    TA proponent
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Agriculture and forestry
  • Publication date

    Agriculture is predominantly rainfed in Ghana where the climate is dominated by the inter tropical convergence zone and the hot, dry harmattan winds blowing from the Sahara.The south of the country experiences a bimodal rainfall regime, with a major and a minor rainfall season while the north of the country has a unimodal rainfall regime. Climate change scenarios show that mean temperatures in the Savannah Zones, predominantly in the north, can be expected to increase by approximately 2°C by 2050.

  • Knowledge partner
    Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    South Korea
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Knowledge Partner
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Agriculture and forestry
    Carbon fixation and abatement
    Early warning and Environmental assessment
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency
    Infrastructure and Urban planning
    Waste management

    Science and Technology Policy Institute have served as a top think tank in science and technology. Ranked top 16 in the 2015 Global Think Tank Rankings, STEPI guides the development of the national policy agenda and leads foresight research in Korea.

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    This paper reviews the central role of institutions for climate-smart agriculture (CSA), focusing on the role of institutions in promoting inclusivity, providing information, enabling local level innovation, encouraging investment, and offering insurance to enable smallholders, women, and poor resource-dependent communities to adopt and benefit from CSA. We discuss the role of state, collective action, and market institutions at multiple levels, with particular attention to the importance of local-level institutions and institutional linkages across levels.

  • Knowledge partner
    Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    United States
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Knowledge Partner
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Early warning and Environmental assessment
    Renewable energy
    Marine and Fisheries

    The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) is a research and academic type of an institution established in 1975 with the mission to provide research-based policy solutions that sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition.

  • Publication date

    This resource book is a reference and training guide for building the capacity of agricultural extension workers and development professionals to deal with climate change impacts and adaptation, specifically targeting drought-prone areas of Bangladesh. It also presents suggestions for a three-day training course that would be readily adaptable for any areas of Bangladesh affected by climate-related risks.

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    Local knowledge has played an active role in the lives of rural communities in virtually every part of the world. In Jamaica, traditional cropping systems based on local informal knowledge have been practiced since the days of slavery and play a vital role in meeting food security. Yet, some negative attitudes remain about the legitimacy and relevance of small-scale farmers" local and traditional knowledge. This paper discusses some con-ceptual and empirical issues related to the application of local knowledge among small-

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    India is home to incredible diversity in plant and animal species and is ranked among the richest areas of biodiversity in the world. Unfortunately, much of this diversity is being eroded at an alarming rate, largely due to habitat destruction and invasion by alien species. In the hilly regions of southern India, known