Coastal setbacks
Type of National planObjectiveAdaptationSectorsCountryIndonesia
Type of National planObjectiveAdaptationSectorsCountryCambodia
Type of National planObjectiveAdaptationSectorsCountryCambodia
Publication dateObjectiveSectors
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Coastal setbacks are a prescribed distance to a coastal feature, such as a line of permanent vegetation, within which all or certain types of development are prohibited (Cambers 1998). A setback may dictate a minimum distance from the shoreline for new buildings or infrastructure facilities, or may require a minimum elevation above sea level for development. Elevation setbacks are used to adapt to coastal flooding, while lateral setbacks address coastal erosion.
JBA Consulting include engineers, environmental consultants, scientists and designers, managing weather and environmental risks and opportunities for clients. They work across the following key service streams, providing services to clients in core sectors including government and regulatory, energy, sustainable development, third sector, transport and infrastructure and utilities. The service streams include marine and coastal risk management, engineering, environmental management, flood and water management and software development.