This Technology Transfer Advances Viet Nam's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to Business-as-Usual by 2030, in line with the Government's prioritized policies, such as renewable energy development.
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is implementing a Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project entitled “Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emission in Industrial Sector through Pelletization Technology in Lao PDR” in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Ministry of Science and Technology Lao PDR. The goal of the project is to promote the production and usage of industrial grade solid bio-fuel (pellets) for replacing coal and wood.
Seambiotic is the first in the world with proprietary technology for growing marine microalgae in open ponds using flue gas and recycled seawater from power plant. Seambiotic is also the first in the world to successfully connect directly to a power plant’s smokestack for direct consumption of CO2. The Company currently holds patent applications on the technology. Seambiotic was initially established to produce and sell Omega 3 fatty acid products from marine microalgae.
This publication highlights the most significant recent achievements of the IEA Implementing Agreements which carry out programmes in the areas of energy efficiency (buildings, electricity, industry, and transport), fossil fuels (clean coal, enhanced oil recovery, carbon capture and storage), fusion power (tokamaks, materials, technologies, safety, alternate concepts) and renewable energy technologies, and cross-cutting topics (technology transfer, research databases, and modeling).
The inaugural Energy Efficiency Market Report joins the IEA market reports for oil, gas, coal and renewable energy, highlighting the place of energy efficiency as a major fuel. The report notes that energy efficiency markets around the world drew investments of up to USD 300 billion in 2011, a level on par with global investments in renewable energy or fossil-fuel power generation.
This report reviews coal utilization in India and examines current and emerging coal power technologies with near- and long-term potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from coal power generation. The study concludes that it is critical for policymakers not only to consider and implement technologies that meet the near-term needs of the country but also to set the coal-based power sector on a path that would allow it to better respond to future challenges, including the key challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The report looks at the efforts that have been made for the development of advanced coal technologies in China through indigenous innovation and international technology transfer. It calls for increased government support that can have more meaningful impacts on firms" technology choices.
According to this report, fuel switching from natural gas and oil to coal, residual oil and biomass fuels in industrial applications is possible in many industries. However, the implementation of fuel switching options discussed will face a variety of issues, including fuel and fuel transportation availability, transportation and storage of conversion fuels, costs of emissions control, costs of conversion, loss of capacity from equipment de-rating and limitations of plant space.
This fact sheet discusses the injection of coal and waste plastics in blast furnaces. The simultaneous injection of pulverised coal and waste plastics increases the efficiency of combustion and gasification with 10%.