CO2 storage technologies

  • Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    United States
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Agriculture and forestry
    Coastal zones
    Early warning and Environmental assessment
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency
    Marine and Fisheries
  • Publication date

    Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) held a three-day capacity development workshop in Nairobi, Kenya, on technologies for soil carbon enhancement in Africa. The workshop brought together 26 representatives from 14 countries, including the National Designated Entities (NDEs) and representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture from Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

  • Publication date

    According to this study, organic carbon and soils of the world comprise the bulk of the terrestrial carbon and serve as a major sink and source of atmospheric carbon. Increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) may be mitigated by increasing carbon sequestration in vegetation and soil. The study attempted to estimate the biomass production and carbon sequestration potential of different plantation ecosystems in north-western Himalaya, India.

  • Publication date

    Carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) refers to the matching of industrial high-purity CO2 sources, such as those of fertiliser plants or coal-to-liquid fuels facilities, with a sink industry that would make beneficial use of the captured and transported CO2, such as enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The capture of CO2 from industrial high-purity sources requires much less additional process development than conventional carbon capture from the power generation industries.

  • Publication date

    The Water Supply Stress Index Model (WaSSI) is a web-based tool that can be used to project the effects of land use change, climate change, and water withdrawals on river flows, water supply stress, and ecosystem productivity (i.e. carbon sequestration dynamics) across the conterminous United States and Mexico. As water yield and carbon sequestration are tightly coupled, WaSSI is useful for evaluating trade-offs among management strategies for these ecosystem services.

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    This paper argues that watershed management and sustainable land and water management are key development areas which present a multiple win potential synergy between food security, climate adaptation and climate mitigation. The paper analyses the current context in which carbon sequestration could be both a proper agri-environmental indicator to assess different strategies of sustainable development in watershed approach and a mean to access carbon funding.

  • Publication date

    The World Bank has published a six-page brief detailing the Bank's contribution to achieving synergies between development finance and climate change mitigation and adaptation. The brief explains that all of the 17 country assistance and partnership strategies prepared in 2011 address climate change.

  • Publication date

    The development and global environmental objective of the Climate Smart Staple Crop Production Project for China is to demonstrate climate smart and sustainable staple crop production in Huaiyuan County of Anhui province and Yexian County of Henan province. The project comprises of three components.

  • Publication date

    This publication is the abridged version of the report ‘Strategies for mitigating climate change in agriculture: recommendations for philanthropy’. The report was designed to identify greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation options in the agricultural sector. It provides a snapshot of the global mitigation potential in the year 2030, compared to a hypothetical baseline in which no additional mitigation from agriculture is attempted, beyond current adoption and intensification trends.