Canals and drainage systems

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    This Technology Transfer Advances Thailand's

    • Nationally Determined Contribution to 
      • Strengthen disaster risk reduction and reduce population’s vulnerability to climate risk and extreme weather events through enhanced awareness, coordination and adaptive capacity of local communities, especially in the disaster risk-prone areas
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    The objective of this project is to examine adaptation strategies of smallholders in the Chingale district of Malawi to climate change impact, as well as to the implications of introducing the Integration of Aquaculture into Diversified Food production Systems (IADFS). The central approach of this research is combining an agent-based model (ABM) representing farmers with various types of production systems with a water resources model (WRM).

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    The Global Food Policy Report is IFPRI’s flagship publication. This year’s annual report examines major food policy issues, global and regional developments, and commitments made in 2015, and presents data on key food policy indicators. The report also proposes key policy options for 2016 and beyond to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2015, the global community made major commitments on sustainable development and climate change.

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    Upstream water use is not adjusted to reflect rainfall fluctuations, and downstream farmers of the Nagarjuna Sagar irrigation project in the state of Andhra Pradesh are increasingly vulnerable to water supply shocks. This paper documents the wide range of adjustments adopted by managers and farmers in Nagarjuna Sagar during a period of fluctuating water availability (2000-2007). Primary and secondary data indicate managerial adjustments such as rotational and timely water supplies to meet critical water demands of standing crops.

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    Climate change is impacting water resources in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. In such context, this paper assesses the potential for wastewater reuse as an adaptation measure to cope with water scarcity in Can Tho City, within the heart of the Mekong Delta. Authors show that wastewater effluent can be used to irrigate at least to 22,719 ha of paddy rice (16% of the rice-cultivated area in the city) at 3 crops per year.

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    Enhancing water productivity is often recommended as a "soft option" in addressing the problem of increasing water scarcity. In this study, authors analysed the water productivity and GHG implications of water reuse through pumping groundwater and creek water, and compare this with gravity-fed canal irrigation in the Upper Pampanga River Integrated Irrigation System (UPRIIS) in the Philippines. Water productivity indicators show that water reuse contributes significantly to water productivity.

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    In this study a focus has been made to go beyond the previous approaches and an integrated approach for Renewable Energy Potential assessment has been made at the district level, considering the availability of the waste land, water potential, existing electrical transmission network, gas grid network etc.

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    According to this paper, South Africa has been implementing a policy of irrigation management transfer on its small-holder irrigation schemes. In Limpopo Province in the north of South Africa, irrigation management transfer is linked to an infrastructural revitalisation programme. Following refurbishment of the irrigation infrastructure, plot holder communities are expected to take responsibility for the management and maintenance of their schemes.

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    The development objective of the Second Phase of Strengthening Climate Resilience Project for Zambia is to strengthen Zambia’s institutional framework for climate resilience and improve the adaptive capacity of vulnerable communities in the Barotse sub-basin. The project has three components. The first component is strategic national program support.

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    This article focuses on cooperative adaptation strategies at the community, water user association, district, and national levels along the Khojabakirgansai, a small transboundary tributary of the Syr Darya in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Data were collected in the basin through in-depth expert interviews, site visits, and household surveys, and were triangulated with climate change data from the available literature. Basin inhabitants cooperate on extreme events that are exacerbated by climate change, including water scarcity, droughts, and flash floods.