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    The 193 individual country profiles capture the status and progress of all UN Member States, and the 80+ indicators include a wealth of information on child, adolescent and adult anthropometry and nutritional status, in addition to intervention coverage, food supply, economics, and demography. This tool is particularly useful for nutrition champions at the country-level, as it presents a wide range of evidence needed to assess country progress in improving nutrition and nutrition-related outcomes.

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    Description of the project: This South-South cooperation between grassroots communities of India and Cameroon builds women's capacities as solar engineers that provide energy  solutions adapted to local needs around agriculture, household electrification and education. Thanks to the Barefoot College in  India, 20 women in the Fako district of Cameroon have been trained to install solar panels, lamps, dryers and mills, benefitting 400 families.

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    Between February and May 2008, 'hunger riots' erupted in the South - particularly in African countries such as Senegal, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Egypt, Algeria, the Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Madagascar and Cameroon. The riots have provided a clear warning that populations can no longer face the increasing prices of basic food products - such as rice, groundnut oil, potatoes and corn.

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    Eru, a vegetable found in the forest, plays an important role in trade between countries in West and Central Africa, especially between Cameroon and Nigeria. This note analyses the environment for trade in Eru as an example of a high value non-wood forest product (NWFP) that has a great potential both in terms of exports but also for income generating activities. Women are heavily involved in Eru trade as both harvesters and small-scale traders. It is a key means for many women to diversify the income stream of their household and reduce their financial dependence on men.

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    This study benchmarks urban sanitation systems, pricing and tariff structures and was conducted in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique and Senegal in the second half of 2011. The purpose of the study was to explore how changes in the tariff system could improve access to improved sanitation and how tariffs could be used as a vehicle to deliver affordable and sustainable services.

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    This paper draws on a legal review and field data to assess the distribution of forest and wildlife revenues from economic operations in logging and wildlife extraction to forest communities in Cameroon. It has an emphasis on the socio-distributional aspects, and draws lessons for the future design and implementation of REDD+ benefit sharing.

  • Objective

    MEGAECOFIRE ( Rubbish turned into clean fuel) is the commercial name of the ecofriendly coal coming from organic and biodegradable wastes like plantain and banana peel maize leaves and peduncle sugar cane residue Peanut shell Grapefruit peelWatermelon peel Apple core and peel Orange peel Tea residue Potato peel Soybean residue Cotton residue palm husks rice husks grasses and others organic and biodegradable waste comprised agricultural waste.

  • Type of National plan

    “Réduction des émissions de GES à hauteur de 32% par rapport à un scénario de référence pour l’année cible (2035), et conditionnée au soutien de la communauté internationale sous forme de financement, d’actions de renforcements de capacité et de transfert de technologies.” Reducing GHG emissions by 32% compared to a reference scenario for the target year (2035), and conditional on the support of the international community in the form of financing, capacity building, and technology transfers.