The municipalty of Skellefteå collect waste from homes and workplaces and produces there own biogasfuell for use in the municipality cars and in the public buses. The Biogas plant turns organic waste into biogas. Food bio waste from homes and workplaces is selected and placed in the brown waste container so that it can be taken to the biogas plant. The fuel that comes from this plant is used in the municipality cars and in the public buses, but it can also be bought by anyone whose car can take such fuel.
Biogas as fuel
To stop eutrophication of the sea, Gryaab treats the Gothenburg region waste water. The residue, sewage sludge, is turned into soil, fertilizer and a climate-friendly vehicle fuel. Each year, approximately 55,000 tonnes of sludge are produced at Gryaab. The treated sludge contains nutrients and mulch – what is needed for crops to grow. Some of the decayed sludge is composted and used as construction soil. About half of the sludge is hygienised and used as fertiliser, replacing artificial fertiliser.
More Biogas Småland was formed in February 2011. The Company has 22 co-owners of which 18 are farmers in the near region of Kalmar.
More Biogas has a fermentation plant, the plant produce compressed vehicle fuel for local use. Raw material is manure from farmer´s farms and food waste from households in the neighboring municipalities.
Publication dateObjectiveSectors
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is implementing a Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project entitled “Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emission in Industrial Sector through Pelletization Technology in Lao PDR” in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Ministry of Science and Technology Lao PDR. The goal of the project is to promote the production and usage of industrial grade solid bio-fuel (pellets) for replacing coal and wood.
The most commonly used conversion methods – combustion of waste to produce heat or electricity; anaerobic digestion to produce methane for heat or power production etc. all are well-established and commercial technologies. A further set of conversion processes – for example, the production of liquid fuels from cellulosic materials by biological or thermochemical conversion processes, such as pyrolysis – are at earlier stages of commercialisation or still under development.
Background: Mass cultivation of algae for biofuel production has focused on the use of open ponds or closed bioreactors. Both approaches depend upon routine liquid culturing of the algae and require the removal of large quantities of water at the time of cell harvesting and subsequent extraction of desired products. This invention proposes the use of porous inert membranes to support the growth and subsequent harvesting of the algae.
What is Micro-algae
Micro-algae are a group of unicellular or simple multicellular fast growing photosynthetic microorganisms that can conserve CO2 efficiently from different sources, including the atmosphere, industrial exhaust gases, and soluble carbonate salts. Micro-algae act as a major system for converting atmospheric CO2 into lipids under sunlight and increase the output of algal oil. The enzyme acetyl Co-A carboxylase (ACCase) from micro-algae catalyzes the key metabolic step in the synthesis of oil in algae.