With the surge in bio-based activities around the globe, a new concept called bio-refining starts to emerge. IEA Bioenergy Task 42 on Biorefineries defines biorefining as “the sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products and energy”. A bio-refinery combines/integrates a series of biomass conversion technologies to produce a range of products and (base-)materials, such as food, feed, chemicals, materials, oil, gas, heat and/or electricity. The concept is similar to a conventional oil-refinery where multiple petroleum products and fuels are produced.
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Otro Tiempo Otro Planeta (Other Time Other Planet)
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This report describes the situation of biofuels in Uruguay. It presents an analysis of the current situation of the energy sector, the energy matrix, energy policy and regulatory framework and the use of biofuels for electricity system and transport system. The report also presents some evaluations of environmental and economic impacts for biodiesel, biomass and bioethanol production.