ÀMEDIDA QUE ENTRAMOS NA ERA PÓS-2015 DOS OBJETIVOS DE DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVEL (ODSS), O MUNDO ENFRENTA INÚMEROS DESAFIOS APARENTEMENTE insuperáveis. A desnutrição não deveria ser um deles. Os países determinados a realizar rápidos avanços na redução da desnutrição podem fazê-lo. Se os governos desejam atingir a meta de ODS de erradicar todas as formas de desnutrição até 2030, eles precisam ter trajetórias claras para seguir. Existem muitas alavancas a se ativar, e este relatório oferece vários exemplos de países que conseguiram realizar isto.
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À medida que avançamos para a era pós-2015 dos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (sdgs), o mundo enfrenta Inúmeros problemas aparentemente irremediáveis. A desnutrição não deve ser um deles. Os países que estiverem determinados a realizer rápidos avanços na redução da desnutrição podem conseguir fazê-los, e os incentivos para a melhoria da nutrição são fortes. A boa nutrição proporciona uma base vital para o desenvolvimento humano, central para alcançarmos nosso pleno potencial.
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À l’aube de l’ère post-2015 des Objectifs de Développement Durable (odd), le monde est Confronté à de nombreux problèmes apparemment insolubles. La malnutrition ne devrait pas en faire partie. Les pays déterminés à faire des progrès rapides dans la réduction de la malnutrition peuvent y parvenir, et les incitations à améliorer la nutrition sont fortes. Une bonne nutrition constitue un fondement essentiel du développement humain, primordial pour la réalisation de tout notre potentiel.
CTCN organized its Regional Forum for Nationally Designated Entities of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) on August 20, 2018, in Montevideo, Uruguay, as part of the LAC Climate Week (August 20-23, 2018). Thirty-six participants from 21 countries attended the Forum. CTCN invited NDEs from LAC countries and selected network members. It also supported NDEs to participate in the LAC Climate Week for the full week.
Evidence of demand for microinsurance for coping and adaptation to weather extremes in the Caribbean
Publication dateObjectiveIn regions highly exposed to climatic variability and longer-term climate change, vulnerable communities undertake a number of measures to manage the effects of extreme weather events.
Results from a survey of 1059 low income persons in agriculture and tourism in Belize, Grenada, Jamaica and St. Lucia point to a need for a new balance to reduce risk, transfer risk, and effectively prepare for climatic stressors.
This corroborates the findings from the IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaption (SREX).
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This reports the potential effects of climate change on the agricultural sector in Belize. In particular, it addresses the impacts on all agricultural production, as well as on the sub-sectors of crops and livestock. Some of the key crops for this country’s economy (maize, beans, sugar cane and oranges) are examined in particular.
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This report describes the climate change impacts already detected in Belize, such as warmer daytime and night time temperatures and decreasing trends in rainfall. It highlights that adverse impacts of climate change on the health, agriculture and tourism sectors have also been observed. The report argues that these negative impacts and their consequences are indicative of increasing vulnerabilities to climate variability and change.
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Central American states are aware of the implications of the climate change challenge and are attempting to combat it through the use of the abundant renewable resources of the region for energy generation and fossil fuels substitution. At the international level, the markets for greenhouse gas emission reductions and renewable electricity certificates have been fragmented. This picture is changing but a great deal of knowledge is required from the project developers to maximise the carbon benefits for their projects.
Presentation of Kyoto Mechanism Eligibility status for CARILEC Member Companies
The purpose for the document is to serve as a base document for a national discussion process, in Guatemala. The document is a proposal that will generate an inter-sector discussion that, through pro active and respectful dialog will create a consensus in the vision of the first explicit energy policy for the country.