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    The 193 individual country profiles capture the status and progress of all UN Member States, and the 80+ indicators include a wealth of information on child, adolescent and adult anthropometry and nutritional status, in addition to intervention coverage, food supply, economics, and demography. This tool is particularly useful for nutrition champions at the country-level, as it presents a wide range of evidence needed to assess country progress in improving nutrition and nutrition-related outcomes.

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    En vísperas de entrar en la era post 2015 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ods), el mundo debe hacer frente a problemas aparentemente inextricables. La malnutrición no debería estar entre ellos. Los países que están determinados a alcanzar rápidos avances en la reducción de la malnutrición pueden hacerlo, pues los incentivos para mejorar en este campo son fuertes. Una buena nutrición es el fundamento vital para el desarrollo del ser humano y esencial para alcanzar su máximo potencial.

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    COMMITMENT WITHOUT FUNDING REPRESENTS UNFULFILLED GOOD INTENTIONS. IF NUTRITION-PROMOTING ACTIONS ARE TO BE IMPLEMENTED AND TARGETS MET, they need to be financed. Financing for nutrition comes from governments (domestic), from international sources—the bilateral and multilateral aid agencies and foundations that make up the “donor” community—and from people themselves.

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    ON JUNE 8, 2013, THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM AND BRAZIL, AND THE CHILDREN’S INVESTMENT FUND FOUNDATION (CIFF) HOSTED A SUMMIT IN London titled “Nutrition for Growth: Beating Hunger through Business and Science” (known as N4G). The objective of the summit was to mark a “seminal declaration by leaders to scale up political commitment, increase resources, and take urgent action on nutrition” (United Kingdom 2013, 1).

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    Two design issues relating to an artificial catchment rainfall-runoff collecting system (ACRCS) are dealt with in this study; the first is the rainfall-runoff threshold value of an artificial catchment and the second is the definition and determination of the demand-design reliability. The rainfall-runoff threshold value of an artificial catchment, which is the critical element in determining the system efficiency, can be reduced to between 4 and 6 mm when surfaces are treated with chemical sealants. The current design threshold for south-western Australia is 10 mm.

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    According to this website, climate change is a fundamental challenge for developing countries. It has the potential to impede development and reverse progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Australia is providing support to developing countries to adapt to climate change, reduce their carbon emissions and pursue cleaner development. A recent example of a notable funding relates to promote climate-resilient water management and agricultural practices in rural Cambodia.

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    This report proposes a national assessment framework to assess progress in adapting to the impacts of climate change. It is intended to help shape the response needed by business, government and communities. After outlining the framework as it applies to Australia, the report extends the framework to the coastal zone as an example of how progress in managing the impacts of unavoidable climate change might be assessed for a specific sector with its own legal frameworks, governance arrangements and stakeholders.

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    The Tropical Data Hub (TDH), based at James Cook University, is an open portal enabling researchers to submit information relating to the tropics in an open and collaborative way. ÍThe ÍTDH complements existing data repositories and will come to be acknowledged as the Ídefinitive source of information relating to the tropics, both within Australia and Íinternationally. The information available through within the TDH relates to the physical and natural environment, Ísocieties and communities (e.g. linguistic and cultural data), and economies.