Zero tillage technology

Research results in the country showed that zero-tillage technology resulted in significant increase in sorghum production (from about 700 kg/ha to 1,650 kg/ha). Research findings also indicate that zero tillage is promising and recommended particularly in mechanized rain-fed agriculture, which is sensitive to climate change and constitutes 35% of the national cultivated land. With the current and future climate change vulnerabilities, the adoption of the technology is expected to increase resilience of vulnerable communities and consequently enhance their adaptation. The Introduction of zero tillage technology in different parts of the country and its testing with different crop species remain one of the challenges that require careful consideration. However, the findings of the research showed that in spite of the challenges facing the technology, there are numerous opportunities that could be created by the adoption of zero tillage such as:

  • Reducing the number of labourers, considering that since farmers are poor and reluctant to hire labour
  • Stable yields and improved soil fertility
  • Profitable crop production under zero tillage over time relative to conventional agriculture
  • Conservation of soil and biodiversity
  • Potential economic benefits
  • Poverty reduction

At the global level, zero tillage sequesters carbon and consequently decreases CO2 in the atmosphere. Gedarif State has been selected for this project due to the fact that this state encompasses the main rain fed mechanized agriculture schemes in the country, and the state is responsible for guaranteeing satisfactory crop production for the whole country and export of the surplus. Few years ago fluctuation of rainfall in terms of intensity and distribution led to sharp decline of productivity besides the changes in the physical and chemical properties of the soil. As a remedy for these problems zero tillage has been suggested given its restoration of soil fertility and relatively high productivity. The entire stakeholders involved in Sudan – TNA, through general consensus, agreed on the project and the selection of the project site. It is worth mentioning that the majority of the stakeholders are from the Ministry of Agriculture. Moreover, one of the national team is from the Ministry of Agriculture.

Type of National plan
Publication date