INDC of Gabon

. Gabon commits to reduce GHG emissions by at least 50 percent from baseline scenario emissions in 2025. The commitment could be extended to 2030 and 2050 based on additional studies that will be carried out by COP21. The commitment is to be achieved excluding carbon stocks from forests from the target. Gabon also submitted annexes describing land-use change, flaring from the oil industry, energy, other GHG emissions such as waste, adaptation, and financing. Au moins 50% de réduction des émissions par rapport au scénario de développement non maîtrisé en 2025.
At least 50 % reduction in emissions from a baseline by 2025. C’est pourquoi les engagements pris par le Gabon portent exclusivement sur ses émissions de GES hors stockage de carbone par la biomasse.
This is why Gabon is focusing its commitment on GHG emissions with the exclusion of carbon stocks in forests. 2010-2025 (période du Plan Stratégique Gabon Emergent)
Ces analyses seront prolongées sur 2030, voire 2050 dans le cadre des études complémentaires qui seront menées avant la COP21
2010-2025 (period of the Strategic Plan for an Emerging Gabon)
The commitment could be extended to 2030 and even 2050 based on additional studies that will be carried out by COP21.

Type of National plan
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