This report discusses specific climate change impact and vulnerabilities, and identifies technologies needed to help reduce those vulnerabilities. It then presents examples of existing technologies that will meet those needs for six sectors:
Adaptation Technology Database
Publication dateObjectiveApproach
Flow-through Dam for Flood Control Instruction
Technology Owners
- PEMSEA have implemented such scheme is many sites in Asia, including Xiamen, Batangas, Bataan, Bali, Danang, Port Klang and Nampho
- Government
- Community
Needs Addressed
Planning processes and guidance for the protection of coastal region and/or development
Adaptation Effects
Negative social, economic and ecological impacts of climate change can be mitigated.
Constructed wetlands make use of the natural purification processes of vegetation, soils and microbes to remove contaminants from discharge. Uses of constructed wetlands for water purification include applications in industrial wastewater and municipal wastewater and storm water treatment. This relatively low-cost technology improves water security and access, making it important for climate change adaptation. Additionally, green spaces created by wetlands produce habitats for wildlife and may improve recreational value.
Technological Maturity
Applicable immediately
Technology Owners
- Community
- Local governments
- NGOs
Needs Addressed
Protection of lives and assets
Adaptation Response
- Reduces the occurrence or severity of floods and landslides in adjacent areas as well as downstream
- Glacier lake outburt prevention
Needs Addressed
Measures against erosion, storm surges, flooding
Technology Owners
- Consultants, engineers, infrastructure specialists
- Governments and government organisations
Needs Addressed
Hazard-proofed infrastructure