Webinar: Exploring Opportunities for International Export of Adaptation Technology, Goods and Services

Webinars facts

CTCN Keyword Matches
Non-ferrous metals
Climate change monitoring
09 February 2017 - 2:30 pm EST
Climate Technology Centre and Network

Thursday, February 9th, 2017

1:30 – 3:00 PM ET

Canada’s Climate Change Adaptation Platform presents a webinar on exploring opportunities for international export of adaptation technology, goods and services. The webinar will have two parts. 

I. International Markets for Canadian Adaptation Goods and Services:

•         Robyn Troop, Senior Consultant / Chris Webber, Senior Manager, Sustainability and Climate Change, Deloitte

•         Jimena Eyzaguirre, International Team Director and Climate Change Adaptation Lead, ESSA Technologies

II.   International Market Opportunities: the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)

•         Diana Cartwright, Policy Analyst, Natural Resources Canada (National Designated Entity, CTCN, Canada)

Please register online.