Webinars facts
Join our CTCN Consortium Partner, the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE) for this webinar on technologies for mitigation of climate change in the agricultural sector. The webinar will be presented by Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim, Director of the Innovation Program of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), and previously Head of CATIE's Livestock programme.
The webinar will describe in general terms both positive and negative impacts of climate change on agriculture and of agriculture on climate change. It will then refer to various technologies for mitigating emissions from agriculture, taking as an example CATIEĀ“s farm, which has been relatively successful in generation of ecosystem and climate change mitigation services in comparison with other farms in Central America.
A video will describe how this farm, combining research with development, has achieved a balance between the environmental, social, and economic dimensions, applying good practices such as pasture and manure management, an integrated fertilization plan, use of trees for carbon sequestration, improving the food systems for livestock, solar panels for energy production, the monitoring of the carbon footprint, etc.
The webinar will also touch on the principal barriers and the opportunities for the implementation of mitigation technologies in agriculture, on tools for national mitigation planning, and on the synergies between mitigation and adaptation. The webinar will explain why optimizing agricultural productivity can be a very useful strategy for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in both developed and developing countries, and how to remove some of the barriers touched upon in this webinar.
The webinar will have a duration of one hour, followed by 30 minutes of "questions and answers". The webinar will be conducted in English. Questions during the "question and answer" period may be submitted in English or Spanish.