Full system accounting of energy efficiency in buildings: A Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All)

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Renewable energy
Energy efficiency
CTCN Keyword Matches
Energy efficiency
Drainage gradient
Storm surge barriers and closure dams
Sustainable design
Traditional building materials and design
03 November 2015 - 6:00 pm > 7:30 pm CET
United Nations Environment Programme

The  combination of  district energy and building-level efficiency is helping cities around the world realise  cost-effective decarbonisation of heat and cool demand in buildings. However, the important relationship between building efficiency certification and district energy needs to be properly accounted for in city, national and international policies and certifications. This webinar will provide an insight into how building policy is shaping at the EU level to address both  heat supply and demand and how the cities of Vancouver and Rotterdam have overcome barriers to the integration of district energy and buildings.

This webinar of the SE4ALL Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator partnership is jointly hosted by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Resources Institute (WRI), ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40).

Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8873114181631719682  

Speakers include:

o Eva Hoos, Policy Officer, DG Energy, European Commission

o Sean Pander, Green Building Manager, City of Vancouver

o Astrid Madsen, Sustainability Programme Advisor, City of Rotterdam

With introductions to SE4ALL Initiatives and the role of cities from:

o Maryke van Staden, LowCarbon Cities Program Manager, ICLEI World Secretariat

o Shannon Lawrence, Director of Global Initiatives, C40

o Lily Riahi, Advisor on Sustainable Energy in Cities, UNEP