Webinar: Energy Efficiency Actions in Georgia

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Energy efficiency
CTCN Keyword Matches
Energy efficiency
01 June 2017 - 3:30 pm > 5:00 pm CEST
UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre (UNEP-CCC)

The Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency is hosting a no-cost webinar series, ‘Think globally, act locally’, in order to explore how energy efficiency policies and actions are linked together at the global, national and local levels of decision-making and how potentially local actions can drive policy and market transformation at the higher levels of governance. Each webinar will start with a global level discussion on the trends and development in the field of energy efficiency, followed by real-life examples of the efforts of a specific city and coutnry to improve energy efficiency through policies and projects implementation. This webinar is the second in the series and will focus on Georgia, and its capital Tbilisi, which will cover the following topics:

• National level: Energy efficiency policy development in Georgia

• City level: Tbilisi - Energy efficiency actions at the local level

• Global level: Investments into energy efficiency: challenges and opportunities 

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Read more about CTCN Forum happening now in Tbilisi