Training event: Flood and Drought Management Tools for Climate Resilience and GCF Concept Note Development


Events facts

Early warning and Environmental assessment
Cross-sectoral enabler
Capacity building and training
Communication and awareness
Disaster risk reduction
17 September 2018 > 20 September 2018 CEST
UNEP-DHI Partnership – Centre on Water and Environment

CTCN organised a 4-days training seminar on 'Flood and Drought Management Tools for Climate Resilience and GCF Concept Note Development' in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 17-20 September 2018 with the collaboration of the Ministry of Environment, Cambodia, and the National Council for Sustainable Development, Cambodia. The training was implemented by UN Environment-DHI and DHI (Denmark). The main achievements were the following:

·            Enhancement of technical capacity of participants through training in the use of the flood and drought management tools available via the Flood and Drought Management portal (portal address: Large emphasis was placed on accessing remote sensing data and information for Cambodia to support management of extreme events.

·            Identification by multi-sectoral groups of participants of potential GCF SAP project concept note topics; and work on filling the SAP templates was initiated, with guidance from facilitators. The draft concept notes at this stage covered the following:

-        Group 1: Integrated flood management in Kandal Province (coordinated by CNMC)

-        Group 2: Capacity-building on climate change adaptation of crops exposed to flood and drought in Kampong Thom Province (coordinated by GSSD)

-        Group 3: Capacity-building on climate change adaptation in Prey Veng Province (coordinated by MoE)

After the training workshop, the technical experts of UN Environment-DHI provided written reviews and revisions on the drafts, to help them further develop and advance their Concept Notes, ensure that ownership and responsibility of the Concept Notes rests firmly with the national authorities, and not the assisting organizations.

This action was carried out with funding by the European Union.