Events facts
18:30, Moroccan Pavilion, COP23
This side event creates a platform for various stakeholders from governments, academia, international organization, and the private sector to exchange views on the opportunities and challenges of entrepreneurship and innovation in the context of spurring sustainable development. Following the opening from the host of the event, selected innovators – winners of the Global Cleantech Innovation Programme – will showcase their business plan to ground the discussion of the side event and provide first-hand insights on barriers and prospects. Subsequently, a moderated panel discussion will shed light on options to further promote entrepreneurship and innovation by sharing experience and lessons learned. The cross-fertilization between real cases and initiatives undertaken at global and local level is expected to provide insights into avenues to foster transformative change through entrepreneurship and innovation.
Welcome Remarks
Mme. Nezha El Ouafi, Secrétaire d’Etat auprès du Ministre de l’énergie, des mines et du développement durable, chargée du développement durable
Segment 1: GCIP Innovation Showcase
Moderator: David RODGERS, Director, Global Environment Facility
Winners of the Global Cleantech Innovation Programme from Morocco, Turkey, India, Thailand, Malaysia
Segment 2: Panel Discussion
Moderator: Tareq EMTAIRAH, Director, Department of Energy - United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Sabera Khan, Gender Ambassador and Country Coordinator - Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN)
Patrick Nussbaumer, Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO/ Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)
Michael Hoelter, Director – Deutsche Bank
Shikha Bhasin or Ambuj Sagar, Associate Fellow - Council on Energy, Environment and Water / Professor – Indian Institute of Technology