10:00 - 12:00, Korea Pavilion, Bonn Zone
10:00~10:10 Opening Remarks In-Hwan Oh President, GTC
RD&D cooperation pathway and roles of the Technology Mechanism in multilateral perspective, Robert Berloznik Senior advisor & Research Coordinator, VITO / Member of TEC
Introduction of RD&D cooperation experiences in bilateral perspective (Korean case), Hyung-Ju Kim Director, GTC
10:50~11:10 Technology Needs Assessments, RD&D and identified challenges, Sara Trærup Senior researcher, UDP
Multilateral cooperation model to foster deployment of clean energy technologies, Ellina Levina Partnerships manager, CEM
11:30~11:40 Q&A
11:40~12:00 Panel Discussion / Closing
Moderator: Suh-Young Chung Professor, Korea University