Events facts
The 11th meeting of the Advisory Board took place at UN City in Copenhagen, Denmark. During the meeting, a new Chair, Ms. Maia Tskhvaradze from Georgia, was selected. The outgoing Chair, Ms. Mette Møglestue, was acknowledged for her leadership of the Advisory Board and dedication to supporting the CTCN's development.
The Advisory Board discussed the independent review of CTCN and provided inputs into the management response to the review. CTCN's new vision statement, monitoring and evaluation activities, resource mobilization, and a four year programme of work to be elaborated in consultation with the Advisory Board Task Forces.
The Climate Technology Centre and Network is accountable to the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC through the CTCN Advisory Board. The Advisory Board meets twice per year and provides direction on the CTCN’s fulfillment of the COP’s guidance.
- Victor Low (specific queries)
- Bibiana Sanchez (logistics)
Information for Observers
- Livestreaming of the sessions will be available to the public
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Information for Visitors to UN City
Registration information
Meeting Documents
- i List of Supporting Documents for Advisory Board Meeting 11 (including links to reference documents)
- 2.1 Provisional Agenda, Annotated Agenda and Time Schedule
- 2.2 Report from Tenth Meeting of the Advisory Board
- 2.3 Summary of Proposed Actions for Advisory Board Meeting 11
- 2.4 List of CTCN Advisory Board members
- 2.5 CTCN Chair and Vice-Chair Election process
- 3.1 Summary of Actions as a Result of Advisory Board Meeting 10
- 6.1 Management Response to SBI48 (response to Independent Review of the CTCN)
- 8.1 CTCN Vision 2025
- 9.1 CTCN Supporting TNAs and catalyzing TAP implementation
- 10.1 NDE Outreach and M&E
- 11.1 CTCN Approach to pro bono contributions
- 11.2 Draft CTCN Resource Mobilization Strategy
- 11.3 Preliminary 2017 Financial Statement
- 13.1 Virtual Participation Procedures
Note: Not all meeting documents are being made available on our website
Supplemental Meeting Documents
- S.1 CTCN Technical Assistance in a Snapshot
- S.2 CTCN Capacity Building in a Snapshot
- S.3 Climate Technology Network in a Snapshot
- S.4 Knowledge Management System in a Snapshot
- S.5 CTCN Gender in a Snapshot
- S.6 CTCN Communications in a Snapshot
- S.7 CTCN Financials in a Snapshot
Meeting Presentations
- 3a Report of the CTCN Director
- 4a UNFCCC: Outcomes of COP23
- 4d CTCN Collaboration with the GCF
- 4d GCF: Update on Technology Related Matters
- 5a TEC: TEC15 Outcomes
- 6 UN Environment Management Response to Independent Review of CTCN - final version will be posted here when available
- 7 CTCN Engagement on RD&D
- 7 G-STIC: CTCN Input on Climate Technologies
- 9 TNAs and the CTCN
- 10 Monitoring and Evaluation Update
- 11a Financial Updates on CTCN Operations
- 11b CTCN Resource Mobilization
- 12 IIED paper: LDC Experiences with the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism
- 12 CTCN DNV-GL Collaboration
- 13 Remote Participation at Meetings
Side Event