Weather Impact

Weather Impact is a private company operating from The Netherlands which specialized in delivering tailored weather forecasts and agricultural advice to individual farmers and other stakeholders in the agri-food sector and in digital climate advisory services. Sub-Saharan Africa is our geographical focus and we have worked in over 10 countries. Our team of experts all have academic backgrounds (MSc or PhD) in various fields, hydrology, (agro)-meteorology and climate sciences. Weather Impact is registered at the Netherlands chamber of commerce (62139738) and equally owned by dr. Arnold Lobbrecht (50%) and Gerrit Hiemstra (50%).

Country of registration
Network member number
P.O. Box 2177, 3800 CD Amersfoort (NL)
Relation to CTCN
Network Member
Innovation & RDD
Capacity building and training
Type of organisation
Private sector organization
Type of climate technology services
Capacity building
Technology development/transfer
Collaboration in innovation
Knowledge management
Sector(s) of expertise
Agriculture and forestry
Active in