CAiT Engineering Co. Ltd.

Founded in 2007, CAiT Engineering has expanded operations into various fields of expertise, including consultation services for Climate Change Response and Integrated Environmental Management, research activities to reduce GHG emissions of government organizations and corporations, and the development of GHG emission factors. CAiT has wide experience participating in international development projects such as SDM (CDM) and ODA, and in carrying out Feasibility studies, Ex-ante assessments, and Ex-post evaluations with a focus on waste, renewable energy, blue carbon, etc.

Country of registration
South Korea
Network member number
Relation to CTCN
Network Member
Governance and planning
Economics and financial decision-making
Capacity building and training
Type of organisation
Private sector organization
Type of climate technology services
Technology development/transfer
Policy and planning
Sector(s) of expertise
Waste management
Coastal zones
Active in
South Korea