4EN Inc.

Since 2011, 4EN Inc. develops and supplies fossil fuel substitute materials to reduce GHG in Korea. Now, we are paying attention to Asia’s rapid CH4 emissions. CH4 is new threat with 21 times higher GWP than CO2. 4EN Inc., together with its global partners, will solve the problem of biomass and waste disposal in Asia and achieve the SDGs through shared growth. Following the new wave of SDM, we will develop into Asia's largest GHG emissions reduction initiative.

Country of registration
South Korea
Network member number
Relation to CTCN
Network Member
Capacity building and training
Governance and planning
Type of organisation
Type of climate technology services
Technology development/transfer
CTCN Keyword Matches
Biomass carbon measurement and monitoring
Sector(s) of expertise
Agriculture and forestry
Renewable energy
Active in
Myanmar (Burma)