The CTCN fulfills its mission by:
- Providing high-quality technical assistance quickly and at no cost to developing countries via National Designated Entities (NDEs) when the NDEs request support with the transfer of climate technologies
- Fostering collaboration and access to information and knowledge to accelerate climate technology transfer; Working with stakeholders engaged in a wide range of activities related to climate technologies to facilitate south-south, north-south, and triangular collaboration and cooperation
- Strengthening networks, partnerships and capacity building for climate technology transfer, working with national stakeholders to build or enhance endogenous capacities.
To accomplish these tasks most efficiently and effectively, we work in country-driven and demand-driven, responsive and collaborative ways. And, we build on work carried out in developing countries, and we create links with other initiatives in order to support, accelerate and complete and the transfer of climate technologies to those countries. In addition, we work under the guidance of advisory board.