Cost-benefit assessment of mitigation options in rice production for Vietnam


This Technology Transfer Advances Vietnam's

  • Nationally Determined Contribution to reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to BAU, and to develop national GHG inventory system and establish systems for measuring, reporting and verification at the national and sectoral levels in order to monitor and supervise GHG emissions activities. The government also proposed to enhance cooperation in scientific research, information exchange on the formulation and implementation of policies. 


As in many other Asian countries, Vietnam's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) explicitly mentions rice production as one of the targets for mitigation in the agriculture sector. However, the specifics of mitigation measures are only described in a very generic fashion. 

After COP 21 in Paris, rice producing countries like Vietnam have turned their attention to the various options for reducing emissions as part of sustainable development strategies. Decision-makers at various levels are increasingly in need of information about options for mitigation in rice production to make informed decisions on the challenges posed by climate change.

Vietnam therefore asked for the CTCN's assistance to enable a wide range of stakeholders (from farming communities to policy makers) to assess costs/benefits of mitigation options as a means to prioritize suitable technologies for adoption and define investment portfolios and policies for Vietnam's rice production.

CTCN Support

•    Development of an interactive and dynamic tool to calculate cost and benefits of mitigation actions in rice sector

•    Development of the Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis and mapping for rice production, focusing on assessments and findings of socio-economic suitability for rice production to be embedded into already existing GIS maps

•    Capacity development and dissemination of information on the application of Marginal Abatement Cost Curves (MACCs) and GIS assessment

Expected Impact

• Using reliable data on GHG emissions and cost-benefit assessment of mitigation options will allow better targeting and upscaling of mitigation practices

• Implementing relevant mitigation options recommended by the proposed tool will contribute to attaining the targets set by the government of Vietnam in the 2015 INDC

• Improving the future National Communications of Vietnam to the UNFCCC by facilitation of substantiated statements in chapter 'mitigation' for the most important subsector within the GHG inventory of the country 

• Stakeholders will be provided valuable information on possible strategies to improve decision making on mitigation projects



Date of submission
Geographical scope
Budget range

Project details

Cross-sectoral enabler
Capacity building and training
Economics and financial decision-making
Governance and planning
Ecosystems and biodiversity
Final type of assistance
Research and development of technologies
Request NDE
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam
International Rice Research Institute
This technical assistance advances the following Sustainable Development Goals

Key documents

Project documents