This paper is part of a series of country gender profiles developed by Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (Sida). The objective is to help Sida personnel and consultants in all its partner countries to improve awareness, commitment and capacity to support gender equality efforts. This series aims at providing the information and statistics necessary to make economic and poverty analyses sensitive to gender issues and to ensure that a gender perspective is integrated in all country strategies. This particular paper is focused on Ugandan women and analyses their situation in areas such as education, health, the environment, employment, and the media. Uganda is different from any other country in the region in that government's stated policy is geared towards women's emancipation: a gender imbalance in the parliament has been redressed and gender concepts are widely understood. However, the paper highlights some contradictions within government policies and between policy and practice, including discriminatory attitudes.

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Human health
CTCN Keyword Matches
Mitigation in the pulp and paper industry