The study “Solar Cooling for Industry and Commerce – Study on the Solar Cooling Potential in Jordan” explores the market potential of solar cooling in Jordan given two scenarios:

  1. moderate increase in technology and
  2. high market penetration under high energy prices and accelerated phase out of fluorinated gases.

The study was developed while establishing four pilot demonstration projects on solar cooling absorption chillers with solar thermal energy supply in different regions in Jordan. The study elaborates on strategies to overcome existing market barriers for solar cooling, namely, the high upfront investment costs (due to lack in economies of scale), the lack of local technology suppliers and specialized technicians, and the lack of awareness among policy makers and end users. The study concludes by discussing different technologies and policy options.

Publication date
Type of publication
GIZ Proklima
Cross-sectoral enabler
Economics and financial decision-making
Governance and planning
Renewable energy
Energy efficiency
CTCN Keyword Matches
Solar thermal