
The purpose of the project is to identify tangible and profitable opportunities to install mini hydro (e.g. 100kW to 1MW) on existing water supply infrastructure in the Republic of South Africa using Durban City Council as a model. Durban (eThhekwini) Council has progressed the development of two mini hydro schemes on existing infrastructure (to tender stage) but are unable to fund the development of other opportunities that exist. The project aims to realise the potential for RE in water treatment and supply maximise overall benefits from the infrastructure and its impacts reduce GHG emissions and provide an example for roll-out to other regional water managers across the country. The funding would enable eThhhekwini to establish other opportunities to a point suitable to attract other developers and investors to partner in taking them forward (concept level). It would also allow the sharing of a process/framework for other council areas including rural areas of northern Kwa Zulu Natal which are supported by eThhekwini and where wtaer and power are limited. It is anticipated that some standard approaches and designs can be developed which would further support wider implementation.


The main activities involved in the project are:


Hydro-electric Corporation (trading as Entura)

Publication date
Type of publication
REEEP Project Outputs
Renewable energy
CTCN Keyword Matches
Urban infrastructure development
South Africa
Small-scale Combined Heat and Power
Water supply infrastructure