This issue of ICT Update looks at a few pioneering activities African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries are engaged in to mitigate and adapt to climte change.The lead article is entitled: ’Coping with climate change’, which looks at the impacts of climate change on the mangroves of American Somoa, identifying priority areas in which local capacities need to be enhanced.Three other articles are featured:Hurricanes and Hams: Discusses the role of ameteur radio can play in offering the people of Jamaica effective communication in both the lead-up and aftermath of a hurricaneDakoro Calling: Explains the work of Telecoms Sans Frontières, a French-based non-government organisation working in Africa to bridge the communications gap in early warning systems that alert central authorities to looming food crisesNeed to Know: This final feature article discusses the lack of coverage of issues like climate change events and coping strategies in the media in the developing world.

Publication date
Type of publication
Community based
CTCN Keyword Matches
Climate change monitoring
Mangroves conservation and rehabilitation
Early Warning Systems Communication
Early warning systems
Non-ferrous metals