
The Brazilian NGO IDEAAS seeks to spread renewable energy solutions and encourage social entrepreneurship. A previous REEEP project funded the creation of its Learning Center for Renewable Energy and Decentralized Generation located in a rural area of southern Brazil. This complex has given government and utilities hands-on proof that off-grid and decentralized energy are a viable and potentially profitable option for remote areas of the country. In parallel in the Amazonia region to the north the Grupo Orsa runs the Jari Project a 1.5 million hectare area that showcases how competitive and high-grade wood pulp and paper can be produced using sustainable processes under certified sustainable forest management. A partnership between the two institutions can showcase how the IDEAAS business model can bring sustainable energy to communities in large privately-owned tracts of Amazonia where the government and the local utilities are not obligated to provide energy services.


To set up a sustainable profitable renewable energy company based on the IDEAAS business model in the Jari area of Amazonia



Publication date
Type of publication
REEEP Project Outputs
Renewable energy
CTCN Keyword Matches
Renewable energy