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    The inaugural report of the 1 Gigaton Coalition, entitled Narrowing the Emissions Gap: Contributions from renewable energy and energy efficiency activities, is now available, and details the emissions saved after analysing nearly 6,000 renewable energy and energy efficiency activities in developing countries. They show the potential for further emissions reductions if programmes and initiatives are supported further to replicate successful projects more widely.

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    This report provides the results of a review of the evidence that investments in electricity-generating capacity have benefits for poor people, and what factors influence that relationship. The review begins by elucidating a theory to break down the causal chain between additional renewable electricity generation capacity and poverty impacts in four stages or links, which can be formulated as four research questions: (1) What is the link between increased renewable electricity capacity and higher availability and reliability of supply?

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    In this report, we identify, analyse and compare international good practices in the design and implementation of national monitoring and evaluating indicator systems for climate change adaptation. This first chapter provides an introduction to the context and key terminology in the domain of climate change adaptation and indicators for M&E of adaptation. The second chapter discusses the existing approaches to M&E, while Chapter 3 provides a general overview of approaches to M&E Frameworks for Climate Change Adaptation.

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    En este informe identificaremos, analizaremos y compararemos buenas prácticas internacionales de diseño e implementación de indicadores para sistemas de monitoreo y evaluación para la adaptación al cambio climático. El primer capítulo ofrece una introducción al contexto y la terminología clave en el tema de adaptación al cambio climático e indicadores de M&E para la adaptación. El segundo capítulo analiza los enfoques de M&E existentes, mientras que el capítulo 3 ofrece un panorama general de los enfoques de M&E para la adaptación al cambio climático.

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    Lack of access to electricity is seen as a major constraint to economic growth and increased welfare in developing countries. In this report, the authors conducted a review of the evidence that investments in electricity-generating capacity have benefits for poor people, and what factors influence that relationship. The review analyzes a large and diverse range of literature dealing with the poverty impacts of increased generation capacity.

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    This report is an of the outcome of the Seminar on Climate Change and Severe Weather Events in the Caribbean and Asia, held in Barbados in July of 2003. Presentations made at the seminar were based on six case studies carried out in the Caribbean and Southeast Asia. In the tourism sector, studies were conducted in the Bahamas and Thailand; studies on agriculture and fisheries were carried out in East Timor and Belize, respectively; and the urban water case studies were undertaken in Jamaica and the Philippines.