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    EC financial support has helped to ensure that IFPRI’s research remains responsive, innovative, and effective in tackling the obstacles that stand in the way of achieving food security and poverty alleviation. Over the years, the EC’s support to IFPRI provided the necessary foundation for cuttingedge research in areas such as climate change; biofuels; and the nexus of agriculture, nutrition, and health.

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    Tandis que nous entrons dans l’ère des objectifs de développement durable (ODD), le monde est confronté à de nombreux problèms apparemment insolubles. La malnutrition ne devrait pas en faire partie. Les pays déterminés à enregistrer des avancées rapides sur le front de la réduction de la malnutrition ont les moyens d’y parvenir. Si les gouvernements veulent atteindre la cible de l’ODD sur l’éradication de toutes les formes de malnutrition d’ici 2030, il leur suffit de suivre les voies clairement tracées pour ce faire.

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    The 193 individual country profiles capture the status and progress of all UN Member States, and the 80+ indicators include a wealth of information on child, adolescent and adult anthropometry and nutritional status, in addition to intervention coverage, food supply, economics, and demography. This tool is particularly useful for nutrition champions at the country-level, as it presents a wide range of evidence needed to assess country progress in improving nutrition and nutrition-related outcomes.

  • Type of National plan

    “L’Union des Comores s’engage à réduire ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 84% à l’horizon 2030 par rapport aux émissions du scénario de référence de la même année. Cette réduction inclut les absorptions du secteur Utilisation des Terres, Changement d’Affectation des terres et Foresterie (UTCAF) également.” The Union of the Comoros aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 84% by 2030 relative to reference scenario emission levels in the same year. This reduction includes sinks from the Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) sector.

  • Type of National plan

    Mozambique communicated its mitigation contribution in the form of actions (policies/programmes) and also included an adaptation component in its INDC.

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    This publication gives an account of the Government of Mozambique/FAO led interventions on strengthening smallholder agriculture, community-based natural resources management, and livelihood diversification in the face of current and future climate-related stresses. It provides the rationale behind each of the activities, innovations and successes, but also barriers and challenges encountered.

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    The IFDC Magazine is a quarterly publication of the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC). Unless otherwise noted, printed material
    published in the IFDC Magazine is in the public domain and may be freely reproduced. Source acknowledgment and a copy of any reproduction
    are requested. Electronic versions in English and French are available at