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    Women in Lesotho make up the majority of the population and the majority of the disadvantaged. However they also make up the majority of the literate population which could form the basis for improvement of their social status. Disempowering structures and laws, which undermine the position of women, need to be removed, for example, by changing the minority status accorded to women in the law.

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    To achieve gender balance in water and sanitation programming it is essential to address both the different needs of men and women, girls and boys, and the inequalities in access to and control over resources. This document presents in brief the importance of gender mainstreaming in water and sanitation projects, and a list of ten key points that can be used to check for gender equity in such programming. Two short case studies (one from Lesotho and one from Nepal) are used to highlight the importance of involving both women and men in project planning and implementation.

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    The report covers a country assessment of Lesotho"s energy sector, with emphasis on renewable energy. Chapter 1 introduces the energy sector in Lesotho with a coordinative depiction of the sector stakeholders, a policy and legal framework brief and an elaborate energy profile. The second chapter covers a problem analysis of the sector shedding a light on how the problems affect the different gender groups in the rural areas. It also covers some propagating factors facing the sector.

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    1. Steigender Energiebedarf und ein Recht auf Kühlung? Darf es ihn geben, den Anspruch auf eine Klimaanlage und einen Kühlschrank – ähnlich wie das Recht auf eine Heizung? 2. Kühle Kette für eine gesunde Versorgung Nach Schätzungen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) verderben durchschnittlich 30 Prozent, in tropischen Ländern sogar 50 Prozent der Lebensmittel mangels angemessener Lagerung. 3. Grüne Technik und Wertschöpfung Das Zauberwort heißt Ressourceneffizienz. Der Schlüssel in der Kältetechnik dafür sind natürliche Gase. 4.

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    The Biomass Energy Sector Planning Guide provides practical, step-by-step guidance to set up efficient management structures for the biomass energy sector. The Guide is based on experiences of EUEI PDF and GIZ in Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Rwanda, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Nepal and Sierra Leone. Even though this guide is largely built on experience in Africa, it has relevance beyond Africa and the methodology can be applied in all countries where biomass is the main fuel for households and small enterprises.

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    Since 1998, GTZ Proklima has started to assist the National Ozone Units (NOUs) of 17 African countries with meeting their CFC phase-out targets under the Montreal Protocol. A national Refrigerant Management Plan (RMP) has been developed and is being implemented for each country. These aim to gradually reduce CFC consumption to zero in the refrigeration and air conditioning sectors.

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    THE THIRD OF THREE BOOKS IN IFPRI’S CLIMATE CHANGE IN AFRICA SERIES, Southern African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis examines the food security threats facing eight of the countries that make up southern Africa - Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe - and explores how climate change will increase the efforts needed to achieve sustainable food security throughout the region

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    L’Indice de la faim dans le monde 2013 (GHI), élaboré à partir de données couvrant la période 2008-2012, montre que le niveau de la faim dans le monde s’est amélioré depuis 1990, diminuant d’un tiers. En dépit des progrès réalisés, le niveau de la faim demeure « grave », avec 870 millions de personnes souffrant de la faim selon des estimations de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO). Les scores GHI varient considérablement en fonction des régions et des pays.