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    A more holistic and flexible development approach is required to support the agency of people adapting to climate change. Since climate change adds another layer of complexity to development challenges, interventions must, at all stages, consider the ways in which people might engage with them in a range of possible future climate scenarios. The study described in this paper, conducted by the Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA), analyses the adaptive capacity impacts of various interventions in Ethiopia, Uganda and Mozambique.

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    Change is a constant in the lives of rural people in Africa. People have always had to cope with sudden shocks such as war, rain failures or food price spikes, and with longer-term stresses such as population increases, the degradation of natural resources and long-term decline in their terms of trade. But for most developing countries, climate change adds another layer of complexity to already existing development challenges, such as high levels of poverty and inequality, rapid population growth, underdeveloped markets, poor infrastructure and service provision, and weak governance.

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    It is clear that, in the face of climate change, the agriculture sector in Africa is being called on to increase food production to meet the food demand for a growing population. A number of countries have prepared National Agriculture and Food Security Investment Plans (NAFSIPs) to integrate the scaling up of practices that augment development, food security, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. This paper proposes a methodology to examine the potential of existing NAFSIPs to generate climate change benefits.

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    This technical paper by the World Agroforestry Centre analyses what farmers in the highlands of Ethiopia currently know about ecosystem processes and the interactions between trees, crops and livestock. The aim is to use this information to guide interventions that will build more intensive and climate-resilient systems.

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    Geothermal energy development has recently become a popular topic in the East African Region. This review provides updates on donor activities and the development of regulatory framework for geothermal energy in Rwanda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Uganda. One of the main conclusions from this assignment is that there are a number of donor activities in the geothermal sector in all four countries. But the scale and significance of activity varies by country. None of the countries currently feature donor assistance that appears to holistically address geothermal development.

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    The International Food Policy Research Institute has conducted this study to explore the challenges and opportunities climate change adaptation provides to institutional, organisational and human-capacity strengthening. The report seeks to provide insight and reflection on the issues faced by organisations involved in climate change adaptation in Kenya, Bangladesh, Mali, and Ethiopia. The study is based upon e-surveys and face-to-face interviews with 87 practitioners working in government agencies, civil-society organisations, NGOs, academic institutions, and think-tanks.

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    Climate change is now a global phenomenon with growth, poverty, food security, and stability implications. Because of significant dependence on the agricultural sector for production, employment, and export revenues, Ethiopia is seriously threatened by climate change, which contributes to frequent drought, flooding, and rising average temperatures. To examine the impact of climate change on agricultural production and to quantify the resulting lost output, this study conducts a time series analysis using country and regional level data.